Coming Late 2024

Team up with a mechanical pal and row for the gold in the annual Fish Bowl!

So you wanna enter the Fish Bowl — the biggest boating event of the year! But get this: RowBots — evil automata built for boat-racing — have taken over the whole circuit, and the competition's only getting worse.

By using the crank in a patented clockwise fashion, you gotta tandem-row with a defective junkyard RowBot of your own, and put a stop to Robo-X, the corporate conglomerate that's making the evil 'bots in the first place. Can you win back the spirit of the Fish Bowl and, perhaps more importantly, that big golden trophy?


Coming Late 2024

Nominated for Most Anticipated Game in the 2023 Playdate Community Awards show!

Credits Grab a free (early) demo! Devlog thread (Playdate Squad)

🦖 We think this game is appropriate for everyone. There's some mild cartoon violence, like slapstick humor and exploding robots. (Don't worry, they're the bad guys.)

🚹 This game uses the crank, and requires dexterity in the form of precise, repeated rotations. Alternate button-only controls are also available. The d-pad and A and B buttons are used to navigate menus. The Reduce Flashing system function is used to dampen sudden flashes and shaking.